Penetration Testing Service

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What is our Penetration Testing Service?

The art of exploiting weaknesses and vulnerabilities in networks, web applications, or people. This is different than just performing a vulnerability scan against your network. A penetration test takes the perspective of an outside intruder or an internal individual with malicious intent. This may not always involve technology, however technical controls are a big part of preventing easy exploitation and data compromise.

Why Get a Penetration Test?

Even with the strongest security and safeguards in place, vulnerabilities exist and open your company to unknown risk. Those gaps might be as unsuspecting as a database, an application, website access—even your own employees. And any of those access points could provide a direct route into confidential electronic data, such as financials, patient information, strategic or classified documents.

Penetration testing services delve deeper to pinpoint pathways to access, ranking the potential value of each and providing a clear roadmap for remediation. A penetration test is not only smart business practice but also an annual requirement for those who must remain in compliance with leading regulations like PCI, FERPA, HITECH, FISMA, SOX, GLBA, FACTA, and GDPR.

Let our team of experienced, ethical hackers conduct a comprehensive assessment of potential vulnerabilities, prioritizing those and recommending ways to block attacks before they damage your bottom line.

​The Different Types of Penetration Testing Services That We Offer.

1. External Network Penetration Testing: We pinpoint potential avenues of network attack where access might be gained through internet-connected servers or network equipment by individuals outside of your organization who lack appropriate rights or credentials. We then conduct a mock attack to test security controls, developing and presenting you with a cybersecurity assessment on findings along with solutions and recommendations you can use to remediate the issue.

2. Internal Network Penetration Testing: We help companies mitigate risk due to internal threats against their corporate network. While external testing investigates avenues that remote hackers might use to enter networks, internal testing looks at ways employees or insiders might lead to a breach either through neglect, malice, or the accidental download of an application, such as ransomware or malware, which has the potential to bring an entire network down.

3. Web Application Penetration Testing: We investigate potential threats and vulnerabilities posed by the many internet-based applications in use throughout your enterprise. Conveniently accessed from any location worldwide and just as easily breached, web applications offer significant points of access into credit card, customer, and financial data. Vulnerability assessment services investigate the security of those solutions and controls in place, providing recommendations and strategies to block access to any data that might be stored within.

Our Process.

Depending on the terms of our engagement, we may initiate our comprehensive security assessment through one of two strategic approaches. Firstly, in collaboration with your organization, we can engage in open dialogues with key employees to gain insights into potential vulnerabilities, information dissemination, and existing security measures. This involves understanding the dynamics of your workforce, scrutinizing public information shared by your employees, and identifying potential weak points in areas such as email passwords, logins, remote access, and mobile footprints.

Alternatively, in alignment with our agreement, we may commence with an intensive reconnaissance phase spanning several days. During this period, we meticulously investigate and assess potential entry points for adversaries through electronic, physical, and human means. This thorough reconnaissance allows us to analyze your organization's susceptibility to various forms of attacks, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the potential threat landscape.

Subsequent to either approach, we immerse ourselves in the mindset of potential attackers, evaluating overall risk and estimating the potential impact on your bottom line. Leveraging our knowledge of current capabilities, strategies, techniques, and tools employed by cyber adversaries, we meticulously document digital assets that may be at risk. Our evaluation process extends to prioritizing these risks based on the net asset value, thereby providing a nuanced perspective on potential loss events.

The Penetration Testing Report.

Discover the complete findings and vulnerabilities uncovered in our Penetration Test Report. We've meticulously detailed all aspects of the assessment, including the initially agreed-upon scope. For every identified vulnerability, we've provided effective mitigation practices to fortify your system's security. The report goes beyond the scope, shedding light on additional findings. Count on us to deliver a comprehensive overview, empowering your organization with actionable insights for robust cybersecurity.

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